The house of the tale knight

The challenges and how the tale knight do it

Hello fellow humans! I expected that you are doing well

In my case these days I take difficult missions and dangerous adventures because it's very exciting to do it, so now I am going to resume some adventures and finally do my conclusions about take an adventure and go forward with it.

1. The English mission

One of my favorites and difficult challenges, this change my mind a lot, I have to be sincerity I suffer a lot with this, but thanks to the help of a lot of good friends that I meet in Discord, Tandem, Conversation Exchange, Italki, free4talk, the help of my family, and a lot of other things that i made in this journey is why I am here and this is a call for be good with you, because one of the most important things that I learn in this stage of my life and in my English mission is that someday you discover that the hero that you are searching is in fact, you, YOU ARE YOU OWN HERO, YOU ARE YOU OWN KNIGHT. This is all for today knights ,but I promise to return and in the next time i am going to say other missions how the tipying challenge,my magic challenge, my go challenge and finally my "musa" and also my worst enemy, my programming travel!