The house of the tale knight

Finally C1 level in English!

Hi there, Today it's a great day my dear mates
Finally, I can proudly say that I am a "fluent" person in English!

How I do that?

With magic of course, pay attention and repeat after me: Abacadabra,madacabum put the English in my mouth (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Feel it, my friend now you are an English person!

What really happened

I become a turtle, not literally but in fact in a philosophical way, learn a language it's hard, it's impossible learn a language out of nowhere, so I learn in my own rhythm, fast for some person, slow for others and fine for me.

To the world, to the universe, you not are important

This hits hard but when you understand that learning a language it's not important to the universe, you can notice that it's you who turns that to something special, it's not about what others think, it's what you think my friend.

The key to become good learning a language it's not your talent, your dedication, your school or your teacher, it's what you want to do with the language, so not forget to have little goals with the language, I like English because I can see interesting content, learn a lot about tech stuff, talk with wonderful persons, try to teach how to learn a language to others and do things that for the world not are special, but for me, are the most special things that I can imagine.